Gym Talk – 3 informational pieces
- Public use of a private facility and required insurance
In early discussions regarding the gymnasium, the committees and board considered ways to ensure that the facility could become self-sufficient, thereby avoiding the need for additional contributions aside from the one time special assessment, all while adhering to the association’s bylaws. Among the first opinions voiced by ownership was the sentiment: “Make those who use it pay for it.” While the construction of the gymnasium would ultimately be funded by the owners, as is customary for all capital projects, the idea of offering the space for rental was introduced as a means of offsetting costs.
It is common for privately owned gymnasiums to rent out their spaces as a source of additional income. Many gyms and fitness centers employ this strategy to maximize revenue, particularly during periods when the facility is underutilized. Common uses for rented gym spaces include:
- Sports practices and leagues
- Fitness classes and workshops
- Community events
- Corporate events
- Tournaments or competitions
- Specialty training
This approach not only generates income but also introduces the facility to potential new PLPOA members, which could lead to increased long-term membership revenue.
While this strategy offers clear benefits and contributes to the goal of self-sufficiency, two primary hurdles were identified during the consideration process:
- Association Bylaws: Ensuring that renting to outside entities aligns with the rules governing privately owned association facilities.
- Insurance Coverage: Verifying that appropriate insurance measures are in place to protect the association and its members.
Both issues were thoroughly reviewed with legal counsel to ensure full compliance with the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) and the PLPOA Governing Documents. Following these consultations, the approach was approved as a viable option for generating revenue beyond membership dues and annual assessments for operational expenses. Please keep in mind that only PLPOA residents can obtain membership for the gym. Rentals for revenue are only for a specific day and time.
The association will confirm that all groups renting facilities maintain adequate insurance coverage to protect the association and its members from potential liabilities. For more detailed examples on required Certificates of Insurance (COI), please refer to slides 15 and 16 of the gymnasium presentation (Link HERE) and review the association’s standing policies (Link HERE).
2. Capital fund projects
There has been discussion that the gym is part of an overall plan to create a sports complex at the Rec Center and owners will be asked to fund that. The bottom line is that the only plan that the Board follows for capital improvements is the Capital Improvement Plan. This plan can be found on the PLPOA website as with all other documents. The Capital Improvement Plan identifies funding for 6 different projects through 2028. These projects consist of the gymnasium, youth sports field, 2 different sections of trail additions, boat ramp improvements and an outdoor restroom.
How does the Board formulate the Capital Improvement Plan? It begins with each of the Standing Advisory Committees creating Master Plans for projects they would like completed in the next 5, 15, or even 30 years. These committees consist of the Parks & Trails Committee, Lakes Fish & Boat Committee, Recreation Committee, Community Garden Committee and the Youth Activities Committee. Each of these committees develop plans for capital improvements and submit to the Board for consideration into the Capital Improvement Plan. The Recreation Committee’s list totals $5 million. The Parks & Trails Committee’s Master Plan is currently being updated and is expected to total $3-4 million. The Lakes, Fish & Boat Committee has around $200,000 and the Garden Committee also has $200,000. Plus, there are potential projects not represented by a committee such as the mailboxes in which the Association has been working-on. These proposed projects in the Committee’s plans are always being updated based on funding and other priorities.
Obviously, the Association does not have anywhere near the funds to complete all these projects. The Board is tasked with reviewing the Committees recommendations, the amount of funds available moving forward in the years to come and trying to disperse the funds evenly so all demographics of the Association are served. The Parks and Trails Committee did a complete Master Plan in 2013. As of today, not all of the projects on the Master Plan were completed because the funding has not been there. Plus, some of the trails have been replaced with other trails as development in the community continues rapidly. The Recreation Master Plan has been updated many times with some big projects like a splash park being eliminated. These plans are ever changing with the community. Just because a project is identified in a plan it does not mean it is going to happen. There are over $10 million of projects in the various committee plans. The projects the Board intends to fund are those identified 6 projects totaling $2,742,079 listed in the Capital Improvement Plan which is scheduled out to 2028.
3. Special assessment survey
The survey on funding options for the proposed PLPOA gymnasium provided valuable insights into community preferences and varying opinions on the funding methods.
Considering these results and other factors, the Finance Committee concluded that Option 2 be on the ballot in connection with the gymnasium project and will be worded as follows on the ballot that will open on Jan 27, 2025 and close on March 1, 2025.
ECC Member Dismissed
Since a former member of the ECC has used public communication to discuss her dismissal from the PLPOA Environmental Control Committee and make accusations, the Association provides the following facts. On January 9, 2025, the PLPOA Board of Directors voted to remove Linn Moore from the ECC. The Board of Directors provided written notice to Mrs. Moore on January 10, 2025. The letter acknowledges her volunteer service on the ECC but also states reasons for her dismissal. These are neglecting to review plans solely based upon the criteria in the Project Permit Process and other governing documents, statements in ECC meetings focusing on personal opinion instead of the criteria of the owner application, putting the Association at unnecessary legal risk, and causing more work and possible cost for others. Conversations regarding ECC duties and obligations were discussed many times including by the Association’s legal counsel in a special ECC training held on July 26, 2024. The Board’s decision was made to ensure all Environmental Control Committee members work together to apply the proper criteria to effectively and efficiently assist owners with their lot improvement plans.
Reminder of 2025 PLPOA Owner Budget Meeting and How to participate in Meeting
The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act requires that HOA boards adopt a budget, and set a meeting with the owners within 90 days to provide an opportunity to ratify or veto the budget. In order for the budget to be vetoed, a majority of ALL owners in good standing must attend and approve to veto the budget at the meeting. For PLPOA, this means that a total of over 2,500 owners are needed to veto the budget at the meeting. This meeting is for the 2025 operating budget and not a gymnasium meeting.
Although a Zoom option has been provided for the convenience of those unable to be physically present, it is not set up to be a voting platform and no one will be able to complete a ballot through Zoom. If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you may vote by proxy. Proxy forms are available on the website or at the administration office. To obtain a proxy online go to plpoa.com – learning about PLPOA – Board Room – Proxy.
The PLPOA Board of Directors approved the 2025 operating budget during their December 12th meeting. In order to comply with the above-mentioned state statute, PLPOA has set an owners’ meeting for the budget on January 25, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. in the Vista Conference Room on 230 Port Ave., Pagosa Springs, CO. Owners can view the 2025 budget on the website at www.plpoa.com. By clicking on the Accounting /Finance Department and then on the 2025 Draft Budget. A budget summary is included in the newsletter.
Meadows Mail boxes off of POMPA & CARINO were moved today!!!!
Apologies for the day of notice, they are now east down Carino Pl, see the picture below. Your mailbox number and key remain the same.
Christmas Tree Pick Up!
PLPOA is happy to come pick up your Christmas tree. Schedule your pick up through the link above. Another option, on Jan. 17, 2025, there will be the WinterFest Bonfire held
at the Archuleta County Fairgrounds. Taking your tree there to be recycled is another option. Signage is in place just east of the U.S. 84 entrance. The more trees the merrier.
THE last day to request PLPOA curbside Christmas tree pickup is Tuesday, January 21st. Final Pickup will be Wednesday, January 22nd.
Thin Ice Conditions and Lakes Report
Mild December weather has resulted in an unsafe layer of ice forming on community lakes along with areas of open water. Please be aware of unsafe ice. Perhaps January will provide for some more favorable ice to form up. If conditions allow we do plan on holding our annual winter ice fishing tournament in late January, look for announcements sometime after the first of the year.
Anglers are reporting some good success fishing off the floating docks near the dams where lake aeration systems are providing open water.
Fishing permits for the 2025 season are available at the Administration offices in Vista and at the Recreation Center. The lakes were stocked in October with several thousand pounds of rainbow trout which should provide excellent opportunities through the winter and into next spring.
The PLPOA Board of Directors will be meet on Monday, January 6, 2025 at 4pm in Executive Session to review the recent communication from Legal Counsel.
PAGOSA LAKES Board of Directors Monthly MEETING
ALWAYS On the second Thursday of every month at 6pm – FEB 16, 2025
This will Directly follow the 4:30pm Executive Session
Join Zoom Meeting
Rec Center NEWS: Click on the Flyer to Register
The Environmental Control Committee has a couple vacant positions for interested owners to serve their community. Any PLPOA property owner in good standing is eligible to apply for one of these seats. Owners interested in serving on the ECC, must submit a resume and a cover letter explaining why they are interested in volunteering on the ECC. Interested applicants must also attend a minimum of three ECC meetings. Potential members are reviewed and appointed by the Board of Directors.
The role of the ECC is to review and make a decision on approval for all plans, specifications for any structure or lot improvement and the proposed location prior to the commencement of any work being done on any lot within the PLPOA.
The ECC meets on the first and third Thursday of every month with a work session on the day before. All meetings begin at 8:30 a.m. in the PLPOA Administration Conference room. Pease submit your resume and letter of interest to plpoa@plpoa.com or drop it off at the PLPOA Administration building at 230 Port Ave.
We offer Job Seeker and Business Services. Please see the attached flyer with our information.
If this is canceled due to weather or unsafe driving conditions, we will send a notification out that morning.
To sign up for services please click on this link Join The Movement!