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PLPOA Board Election 2023

Open from 12:01 AM, July 6, 2023 to 10:05 AM (10:05) , July 29, 2023

Total voters for ballot: 1792 (8.6% of 20942 total codes; and 17 additional abstentions; 0.1%); and 1171.17259 weighted voters of 9043.3 (13.0%) as of 2:57:34 PM, Monday, July 31, 2023 (U.S. Mountain).
Vote mode distribution: 1788 e-vote, 4 telephone
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BOARD OF DIRECTORS (1792 voters indicated a choice on this ballot; vote for 3); Total weighted votes cast on ballot: 2502.26802 (9.2% of 27129.9 total weighted possible votes):

Votes Name %
|     |     |     |     |
(9.8% of 9043.3)
Dan Mayer  35.57386% 
(9.1% of 9043.3)
Patrick Moore  33.05692% 
(8.7% of 9043.3)
Wade Lundy  31.36922% 


The Board of Directors held a meeting after the Annual Meeting to elect the officers of the Board, set meeting dates and times, and participate in a Board Training session. The Board and officers are listed below:

Lars Schneider, Vice President (2025)

Chris Tanner, Treasurer (2024)

Monty Whitman, Secretary (2024)

Ericka BaileyDirector (2025)

Wade Lundy, Director (2026)

Patrick Moore, Director (2026)

Board Meeting Times & Format – The Board of Directors will meet the 2nd Thursday of every month in the Conference Room of the Administration Building at 230 Port Avenue. The Board will begin their meetings at 6:00 p.m. This meeting will serve as a work session and regular general meeting. The Board will meet in Executive Session before every meeting at 5:30 p.m. The purpose is to review owner violations as per the new House Bill 22-1137. The Board may from time to time call for a special work session meeting which will be open to owners and announced in advance.