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Latest Communications:

June 1, 2024

A few housekeeping items to you.

  1. If you have not received a bed renting fee due to the fact you have no PLPOA account, please just pay the $25 in person with Jen Pitcher at the PLPOA office at 230 Port Avenue. Thanks.
  2. If you have not yet turned over your bed, added compost, and/or planted, your water has been turned off for conservation. When you are ready, just turn the knob at your bed to gain access to the water. See attachment.
  3. Gardeners are using the greenhouse. Feel free to use it as well. There are some watering containers in there so you can hand water from the rain barrel.
  4. June planting: At the end of the first week(when you feel confident the danger of frost is past) transplant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, winter squash, cucumbers, beansmelons, and flowers.  Sow the next succession of salad greens. Some gardeners already have carrots. radishes, and peas,beans popping their little leaves out of the ground.
  5. Garden Events:

    June – Ask the Expert

    July – Decorate your bed.

    July 14th from 1:00 to 3:30 – Creating Art in the Garden for Kids, Sunday,  Registration to open soon.

    August – Patsy Kline Concert and Dinner to support the Vista Garden.

Committee Members

  • Toni Gallegos, Chair

  • Becky Crowe, Secretary
  • June Marquez
  • Laura Hamilton
  • Marcus Rivas
  • Mike Crowe

Meeting Dates at 5:30pm

All meetings are at held at Vista Lake Gardens unless otherwise indicated.

  • 4/4 and 4/18
  • 5/2, 5/16 (at PLPOA Garden), 5/30
  • 6/13 and 6/27
  • 7/11 and 7/25
  • 8/8 and 8/22


  • 5/2 @5:30 Vista Garden: open to bed renters and community. Bring a bag of mushroom compost and learn how to prepare a garden bed.
  • 5/15 @ 5:30 PLPOA Garden: Open to the community. Prepare beds and plant.
  • 6/__ (TBA) @ 5:30 Vista Garden. Ask the Expert. Bring your garden questions and concerns.
  • 7/4 Vista Garden Open to bed renters only. Decorate your bed for the Fourth of July. Prizes for first, second and third places.
  • 7/14 @ 1:00 t0 3:30 Meet at PLPOA Clubhouse. Creating Art in the Garden for kids, age 6-11. Parents need to be present. A free event however you must register, limited to 15 children.
  • 8/10 Patsy Cline Event